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A Little about Mike

A veritable Sun-worshipper, Mike has lived most of his life on the exotic islands of  Staten, Coney and Long. He now lives in the beautiful Lower Hudson Valley of New York State. He was raised on piano by his Mom, a classically trained pianist , and studied music theory and  electric and double bass with two of NYC's greatest: Rick Giovinazzo and Peter Prisco.  Along with name dropping, Mike enjoys playing  music  of all genres, and has had the pleasure and honor of jamming with musicians from all over the world, and a few from other planets. Mike's musical style is influenced by the full spectrum of sounds of the universe - from Palestrina to Junior Vaszquez, from Bessie Smith to a bolt of lightning.  Mike's continual study of music theory and audio technology, and his belief that whether a whispering child or tutti orchestra, solo harp or a roaring locomotive, we are all members of the same sound family, make him well-suited for music composition and sound design for film.  


To my Mom, for playing the piano, teaching me how to play, and exposing me to great works such as Sheherazade and the Warsaw Concerto, even before I was born;  my Dad, for waking me up at 6 a.m. to John Philip Sousa Marches;  my Grandpa, for blasting Johnny Cash on Sunday mornings;  my Brother Tony, for my first bass;  all my Family Tree, for my Foundation;  Monique Coppola Voice Artist, for saving my life;  my Friend Tommy De, for never letting me forget I'm a musician;  Rick Giovinazzo, for music lessons I will never master;  Dave Gomes, Leslie Carter, and Rich Malary, my interminably patient DAW mentors; those less fortunate than I, you give me something to live up to; all the great men and women throughout history, who thought great thoughts, and created great works of Art, Architecture, Music, Literature, the Sciences, and- ahhh, my favorite- Cuisine, you've made life a wondrous journey;  You, Dear Visitor of my website, for giving me the opportunity to do what I enjoy; and to The Universal Creator, for innumerable Gifts.     

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